Herman Cain Has Too Much Twirling

17 Nov

  Dear Mr. Herman Cain,

Just stop sir. You are becoming that weird uncle at Thanksgiving dinner who forgets everyone’s name, doesn’t understand that the women you are checking out is your niece, and refers to Asians as “chinamen.” Your credibility is shorter than a Kim Kardashian marriage and like it, just as embarrassing.



Yesterday, the Herman Cain Libya video went viral. A relaxed Cain was asked the question:

“So you agreed with President Obama on Libya or not?”

And we all got the comedic blessing of seeing Herman Cain mentally crap himself. I have nothing personal against the GOP candidate but this interview showed Cain’s lack of foreign policy knowledge, which he is constantly trying to spin as a good thing. Do you remember that time in school when the teacher called on you to answer a question and you could picture the note card you wrote it on so clearly but couldn’t match it with the visual answer…Herman Cain had that kind of day.

Cain went through the presidential Rolodex of factoids out loud! His first response was looking in the air and then saying:

“Ok Libya…President Obama supported the uprising, correct?”

CORRECT?! You’re asking the interviewer the back story? Oh Mr. Cain. He continues on:

“President Obama called for the removal of Gadaffi, just wanna make sure we’re talking about the same thing before I say yes I agree or no I don’t agree..um..I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason–no that’s a different one…uh…I gotta go back, see…got all this stuff twirling around in my head.”

Sex scandal and simply out of the loop. The camp of Cain has blamed the gaffe on exhaustion, which is interesting for a man trying to take on one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Herman Cain cannot afford one more slip-up, because it is safe to say that the democrats already LOOVVEEE him.

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